Monday, September 28, 2009

Face to the Floor

“We have nothing to offer these people. Only when we completely humble ourselves and lay our lives down can God then come in.”

These words continue to reverberate through me as I reflect on the events of the last 48 hours.

Candle of LoretoImage by Erunion via Flickr










Last night proved to be an encounter that will continue to mold my view of ministry for the rest of my life.

“If I never get the opportunity to speak to these people and all I do is pray and intercede in that place, then I’ll be happy,” Pastor Don expressed the determination in his heart to us as we traveled the 99 miles in-between Baltimore, MD and Martinsburg, WV to minister to a group of over 100 people who would be gathering that night to pray and seek the Lord. Our team of 6 intercessors rolled across the Appalachians in our 15 passenger van, praying and seeking the Lord on behalf of this congregation that was stumbling to come to the place of obedience to the Lord.

We responded to their plea for guidance by traveling out to lead them in the Sunday evening prayer service they had recently begun after hearing the Lord call them to prayer. After a few songs by the worship leader, our team was introduced. Stacey opened up with a brief prayer and then passed to microphone to Pastor Don, who would give some brief teaching on the subject before we began to engage with the One we had gathered to meet.

Almost as soon as I returned to my seat, I found myself face to the floor, completely consumed by the heart of God for these people. I could not recall much of anything that was said that night-only the trembling that was within my entire being as I allowed the Holy Spirit to make intercession through me.

“The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene.” Isaiah 59:15-16

I struggle to put the words together to describe the experience any further. It was such an honor to be in that place – partnering with the Lord’s heart and being one who would intercede.

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