Thursday, January 29, 2009


Pressure. So much pressure to say the right words; to articulate the things on my heart with complete clarity. I can barely compose any outward expression of the things the Lord is doing so deep inside.

This is the place you can find me->Lost in a whirlwind of change. So deep in the torrent that the pen to the paper cannot adequately convey the scene unfolding.

It could be paralleled to what Mary, the mother of Jesus, encountered on that fateful day 2000 years ago. The Lord totally flipped her world upside down. Her path was veered in a direction of which she never expected.

As we survey the record of her experience, we’ll find that she gave a simple response, “May it be as you have said, Lord” (Luke 1:38)

So may it be as you say, Lord! May my life look the way you want it to look. I relinquish the expectations I’ve placed on this all but fleeting moment I have on this earth and surrender them to you. You know better. For, as the prophet Isaiah so candidly puts it: your ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8).

As Mary continued to travel this new path the Lord placed her on, we begin to see even deeper into her response to all these things. She simply treasured them in her heart.

So forgive me if I haven’t posted for a time, but the Lord’s given me a Mary encounter – one that has totally and radically changed the direction of my life. So the pressure’s off. All I need to do right now is simply treasure these things in my heart. The time will come for an expression of these things, but right now, words have no benefit.

1 comment:

  1. THat's better :-) Seriously, I would just love to hear about your life in Maryland and the day to day stuff. I definitely think deep God things should wait until processed, but I am happy for you.
